The Story


People often ask us, what makes ETI different?  There are thousands of Non-Profits working in Africa.  WHY YOU?

Our answer is in our simplicity.  We are successful, because we began our life as a non-profit, or NGO, out of existing relationships.  Most of us at ETI already had a long history working in the extreme rural areas of the Kilimanjaro and Njombe Regions of Tanzania.  We simply wanted to join forces, combine our experience, and be more effective.

Today, nothing has changed, really.

We work in the extreme rural areas where need is the greatest.
We depend on local Tanzanian staff and partners for ideas, solutions, implementation, and supervision of our projects.
We keep the main focus of our work on improving the lives of women and children first.
We believe that grassroots solutions to problems can frequently make a life-changing difference to a village.
We work to build sustainability into everything we do, and plan from the start how to work ourselves out of the job and leave the local people in charge.

Our passion for these people, and our enthusiasm to see projects that really make a difference are what drive us to do our work.  They are also what attract other people to join us, and constantly affirm our belief in the goodness and generosity of people when they see a need, and believe they can help.


Gunge Safi Project