Angle Mosses

As we celebrate two years of Same Learning Center, we want to introduce you to a few of the students. Read about Angle Mosses, in her own words:


I am a girl of 12 years old born in a family of two girls and a mother who is a peasant. We live with my grandmother.

I am in Class 6 at Majengo Primary School. My problem was having difficulty with subjects at school. I found every subject difficult to understand, literally everything. This made my classmates laugh at me. I was called all sorts of names … dull head, koo-koo … and because of this I dreaded attending classes to the extent of dropping out of school.

One day my class teacher sported me to join Same Learning Center. I was puzzled because I did not know anything about it. After arriving at the Same Learning Center, I met Yoeza, who is the program coordinator. We were like 40 new students but he inspired us much that everything here in the world is possible! Then I felt myself new through his courageous and inspirational words.

The program challenged me to put effort in studying and working hard. The topics covered how to plan for studying and also gave more attention to the subjects that seemed difficult to me, like English and Kiswahili.

I now know a staff who has helped us with love, care, and they always listen to our problems. Since then I am a living example that my grade has improved tremendously. I am ranked high among the Top 8 in my class! I am so happy that I have silenced critics. 

The Same Learning Center has really helped me a great deal. The Same Learning Center team is indeed a generation of leaders discovered, leading individuals to re-discover themselves for the future.

Check back on the blog for more stories like Angle’s. Consider donating to our work HERE. Together we can reach more children like Angle!


Two Years of Same Learning Center!


Maria Shabani