Improving Women’s Health Project (IWHP) Update
During a recent visit to Tanzania, a delegation from ETI had the pleasure of spending a few days with the Community Health Educators from the Improving Women’s Health Program. Dr. Jeff Carithers coordinates the program, which began in November of 2012. After training the 26 Community Health Educators in January, they had a fabulous first month in February, teaching over 5,500 women and men about clean and safe water. Preliminary observations estimate that about 90% of those who attended are now using some kind of method to make their drinking water safe such as boiling, chlorine, and using water filters. The trainers met with the American delegation to work on a variety of skills and to prepare for the next quarter’s topic, which will be hand washing. Future topics, taught for 3 months each, will include malaria prevention, nutrition, and gender-based violence.
One of the highlights of the two-day seminar was a visit from the Rt Bishop Rogath Kimaryo of the Catholic Diocese of Same, seen here in the yellow shirt. He was there to lend support to our program, and talk about how ETI and the Catholic Diocese of Same could collaborate in our efforts to serve the people of the Same District.