Improving Women’s Health Project
Malaria, infectious and parasitic diarrhea, malnutrition and other preventable illnesses kill many Tanzanians, especially children. Tanzanian women are in a position to greatly impact the health of themselves and their families because of their central roles in cooking, child rearing, cleaning and farming. Studies show that educating women on public health topics is an efficient way to improve the overall health of a community.
This concept is what inspired Dr. Jeff Carithers and ETI President Phil Latessa to design the Improving Women’s Health Program that launched in November, 2012.
This public health program uses 26 community educators throughout the Same District and short videos on a variety of subjects to teach women about safe water, hand washing, malaria prevention, nutrition and a variety of other topics. (Two volunteers in the picture above are watching one of the videos.) Health statistics for the 250,000 residents of the district will be monitored over time to evaluate the impact of the program.